Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just to put things in perspective

Although we often use this forum to express the strange and difficult, and sometimes wonderful, details of our lives here, we are occasionally reminded of the bigger picture, and why we're here, and what the price is.
On that note, Toni Lyn's colleague who helps manage a national park in DRC sent this photo and message as a response to her flippant "Hope all is well":
"All is not well here; a lot of Sudanese elephant poachers have showed up and they are quite brazen.  It's a struggle to control this park and this is a protected area with few people on its boundaries."

Note the piece of trunk in the center of the picture
When I asked him if I could post this, he responded "Sure you can use the picture.  We finished our aerial survey of big mammals (survey also notes camps, poachers and other things) a few weeks ago but not before we were shot at.  We fly at 350 feet above ground.  Fiston behind me saw some people crouched; I circled back and as we came over we heard the shots despite having headsets and a loud engine.  They did not hit us.  On the way back I went to 1400 feet , out of range of a AK47, and they shot at us again.  LRA or Sudanes, don't know."

June 7 Update: Lord’s Resistance Army attack threatens headquarters at Garamba National Park, north-eastern DRC

Just to put things in perspective...

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